Established Specialist of Greater Vancouver PreSale Developments Since 2002. Tel: 604-773-4752

Blog › October 2020

New Listing PH2 - 2388 Madison Avenue, Burnaby, BC

R2511668 - PH2 - 2388 Madison Avenue, Burnaby, BC, CANADAView my new listing for sale at PH2 - 2388 Madison Avenue, Burnaby and currently listed at $1,450,000.


Recently Sold Listing 801 - 6638 Dunblane Avenue, Burnaby, BC

R2504584 - 801 - 6638 Dunblane Avenue, Burnaby, BC, CANADAI have just recently sold this listing at 801 - 6638 Dunblane Avenue, Burnaby.

New Listing 801 6638 DUNBLANE AVENUE, Burnaby, BC

R2504584 - 801 - 6638 Dunblane Avenue, Burnaby, BC, CANADAView my new listing for sale SOLD at 801 - 6638 Dunblane Avenue, Burnaby and currently listed at $788,000.SOLD

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