Established Specialist of Greater Vancouver PreSale Developments Since 2002. Tel: 604-773-4752

Blog › July 2022

Recently Sold Listing 27 - 789 Ota Avenue, New Westminster, BC

R2712305 - 27 - 789 Ota Avenue, New Westminster, BC, CANADAI have just recently sold this listing at 27 - 789 Ota Avenue, New Westminster.

New Listing 27 - 789 Ota Avenue, New Westminster, BC

R2712305 - 27 - 789 Ota Avenue, New Westminster, BC, CANADAView my new listing for sale SOLD at 27 - 789 Ota Avenue, New Westminster and currently listed at $999,900.SOLD

RARELY UPGRADED Air Conditioning by Carrier. OXFORD Townhouse by Crescent Creek Homes, a reputable developer w/ many yrs of industry experience.